
Kennicott is a leading importer and distributor of fresh flowers, plants, and floral design supplies. Our mission is to deliver top-quality floral products to neighborhood florists, event designers, and mass retailers across the country. With 15 local wholesale flower markets spanning the Midwest, Southeast, and East Coast, we have deep roots in the Chicago area and have been serving our customers since 1881.

Brand Platform


Connecting People and Flowers

Vision Statement

To spread the beauty and joy of flowers to every corner of the world. 

Mission Statement

We help our customers make moments, spaces, and occasions more meaningful and inspiring with the language of flowers. We’re committed to growing our traditions of sourcing the very best flowers and high-quality supplies with a relentless focus on customer-forward solutions that provide effortless access to the world of flowers 

Core Values

Industry Leaders

Brand Architecture - Logo



Improper Logo


All efforts should be taken to 
present our logo clearly, avoiding the 
common improper uses shown here.

This logo can be used on your marketing collateral specific to your location, etc.


Our brand typefaces are IvyPresto Display and Sweet Sans Pro. When combined, these typefaces strike a contrasting balance of narrow and wide proportions. These typefaces should be used for all collateral and communications whenever possible.


Everyday Alternative Fonts

When IvyPresto Display is not available, please use Google Font, Playfair or system default Times. When Sweet Sans Pro is not available, please use Google Font Questrial or system default Arial. 

When to Use IvyPresto Display

IvyPresto Display is a display serif font and it is used for headlines. The standard font styles and their corresponding variation styles (italics only) should be your primary choice. IvyPresto is an Adobe Font.

When to Use Sweet Sans Pro

Sweet Sans Pro is a sans serif font and it is used for sub-headlines and body copy. The standar font styles and their corresponding variation styles (light, regular, medium, bold, italics) should be your primary choice. Sweet Sans Pro is an Adobe Font.


When to Use IvyPresto Display

IvyPresto Display is a display serif font and it is used for headlines. The standard font styles and their corresponding variation styles (italics only) should be your primary choice. IvyPresto is an Adobe Font.

When to Use Sweet Sans Pro

Sweet Sans Pro is a sans serif font and it is used for sub-headlines and body copy. The standar font styles and their corresponding variation styles (light, regular, medium, bold, italics) should be your primary choice. Sweet Sans Pro is an Adobe Font.

Acceptable Background

H1 Style

H2 Style

H3 Style

H4 Style

H5 Style
H6 Style

Inline paragraph/body copy (14 px)